
What is BNFit Bootcamp? BNFit Bootcamp is a group fitness program designed to help you train hard and safely. I combine (1) free weights and barbells, (2) body weight exercises, (3) resistance bands, (4) TRX Core Training and (5) high-performance cardio — namely step aerobics, running, cycle, Plyometrics (jump training) and jump ropes  — taking only calculated rests to achieve maximum results. Be ready for anything creative — workouts are never routine. You’ll be challenged physically and mentally.  Your resting heartrate will decrease — meaning your heart will function more efficiently. All fitness levels are

For YOU or for someone you love! Staying fit is easier said than done. Boredom and lack of motivation can kill your workout routine. Doing the same work out routine day-in-and-day-out gets old fast. And repeating the same workout may actually cause a plateau in your progress. Adding in a few different tools can make your fitness routine feel fresh again. If you're already part of BNFIT Bootcamp or if you're a personal training client, you're aware that our workouts stay innovative to keep you motivated. OF COURSE, our favorite thing for Christmas is a BNFIT

So it's officially Fall. I know this because I wore suede boots last week and my foot would have protested otherwise. I also know it because that's when Girl Scouts everywhere let loose on innocent victims. In order to combat these sweet little girls, as well as the beautiful grocery store displays, the aromas of fresh-baked devil bread, Aunt Wilzetta's famous triple layer blah blah blah

Hi all. Two adjustments for this week: 1. For Columbus Day, our Boot Camp time is pushed back to 7am. 2. Wednesday nite Bootcamp at 7:30 is cancelled. One of my closest friends who I consider a big sister passed away and I'll be on travel. We WILL have Bootcamp each morning at 6am the rest of this week. Wednesday and Thursday AM will be instructed by Sargent Nuria AKA NUNU!  Let's workout!! See you in the AM. Quick Wisdom: If Plan A fails, you have 25 more letters. BNFIT, baby!

You talkin bout "Excuses or Results, not Both" on a TOTALLY whole notha level. I can't complain about ANYTHING! If you don't thank lift up your hands to the Most High God with thanksgiving after this, then I just don't know.  Thank you, Lord!! [youtube=]

WHAT!!? Why are the numbers on my scale CLIMBING!!!!!? That is a valid and often frustrating question -- and the answers are often hard. “Any change in your life circumstances can produce changes in eating and exercise, which leads to weight gain,” stated Edward Abramson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology at California State University, author of Emotional Eating. So why has your weight increased? And, more importantly, what can you do about it? 1. Life’s Fat Traps If you've ever trained with me, you've heard me say that everyone's weight fluctuates -- my cushion/excuse for my

Be on time. It is a waste of money to be late to a session you've already invested in. Running late? Text that thing out. Don't arrive in the following states: empty stomach, coming off a cold, or on four hours’ sleep. It wastes both of our time when your body isn't fueled, hydrated and ready to work.   We know you are eating more than you tell us! <----- I wish I knew how to make that sentence flash like a Las Vegas sign. If you're on a budget, recruit a few friends