
As the Boot Camp serves a wide range of people, I have been encountering different concerns. I've trained pregnant women, people with arthritis, back pain, knee issues -- Renee just had knee surgery in August. The thing that gets us through is that every exercise can be modified according to what the body can do or needs to do. If we lift 10 and you need to lift 5 or 3, so be it; if we run and you need to walk at a fast-pace, so be it.  I thought

Yes, I watch it from time to time. It's a guilty pleasure. Plus, I pick up new moves and adapt routines. Random: My sister and I sent in an audition tape a few years back but we weren't big enough 0_O. Anyway, last night, "Biggest Loser" revealed their two new trainers. For more than a month they've been presented from smoked-out camera angles and dark silhouettes.  But finally

i have a few radical thoughts about health and wellness as an industry and how information is massaged, re-packaged, re-hashed, updated and expanded for the information-hungry consumer. it all really comes down to only three things. eat real food. train outside of your comfort zone. HARD. recover. this year, don't get so wrapped up in the minor -- and generally irrelevant -- details of your training or diet that you miss the big picture.  don't keep flailing about for that perfect program, that secret program, that magic program. case in point: i have archived over 200 fitness

location: schromb hills park in greenbelt, maryland trainer: norm bernier client: byron nichols warm-up and cool-down: 1-mile run exercises (20 repetitions of each, with 50-yard run between each exercise with as little rest as possible): 1-arm clean press, 1-arm rows in pushup position, starburst squats, mountain climbers, 3-point squats, bicycles, pushups, walking lunges the session was 50 minutes (10:30 - 11:20 am) and it was over. don't let the early time of BN-Fit Boot Camp or any workout discourage you. get motivated for a new year!! thanks, norm, for pushing me and for giving me a

so i watched that old oprah show where she interviewed the man who weighed 982 pounds -- 1000 pounds!! he worked hard and lost 700 pounds -- only to gain it all back again. i know the pain and embarrassment of regaining weight because i've done it. you drop 20 for the summer, feel great and celebrate by eating recklessly and stopping those workouts. are you kidding me?   my heart broke for him. but what I really got from the show is to think more in terms of PURSUIT, and not DESTINATION