BN Fitness


so….. the notion of building a blog is intimidating. not my biggest fear, but scary. when i was 350 pounds a few years back, one of my fears would have been to be NAKED in a locker room full of top athletes — hence the title of the post.  but I’m stretching out into new territory, facing my fears, as a challenge to myself and as a gift to people that need motivation, encouragement or a laugh as they set and meet their health goals.

(just so you know, i’m pretty proper, but right now this lower-case thing is just where a guy is. i’ll shift into my better self later).

my challenge for you today is to burn 400-600 calories. do whatever it takes. there are 3500 calories in a pound. imagine if you burned 500 calories a day for 7 days… that’s a pound. i know you’re geeked off of those big numbers on “The Biggest Loser” but…. ooooh, we’ll get to that.  anyway, get moving. walk, run, bike, spin, kick-box, jump… MOVE!  people on every level. face that fear. learn a new move, stretch beyond your comfort zone or that routine workout.  go the extra mile — literally.

welp, it’s 3:30 am and writing these few words didn’t hurt as much as i’d thought.  i’m signing off now.  goodnite!

*** looks down to see if he’s still clothed — albeit 100+ pounds later 🙂 ***

  • reply
    Troy (UrbanSophistic)
    December 19, 2010

    Bro, you’ve got the blogging “thing” in the back. Great headline, engaging post, and uniqueness (all lowercase letters, lol). I’m intrigued about future posts and my problem is the opposite of having too many pounds and calories.

  • reply
    December 20, 2010

    I like the all lowercase…it does show personality and uniqueness…consider keeping it. Great post. Quick yet engaging. I look forward to more.