diet Tag

Was talking to a client who has done veeeery well with our Personal Training services. She's dropped 42 pounds since June and she wants to stay on track. At first, she was going to lock herself in her house away from her family and friends. Without me saying a word -- just the look on my face -- she switched to maybe she'll go over to her mother's house, but she's not eating anything but her salmon and broccoli. She was tormenting herself. And I "got it" because I've done

So I get home from BNFIT BootCamp -- which is on a "DO NOT MISS" level these days -- to grab breakfast and get ready for today's clients, when I get a text from Delmarie to check out the latest blog post of Latrice Pace, one of my favorite actors and singers -- who is also the youngest sister in the world famous gospel group, the Anointed Pace Sisters. When she and I became friends on Facebook, I revealed to her that I LOOOOVE the music that she and her sisters